Zoho CRM Integration

Maximise roi of your ZOHO crm with SmartReach.io integration

Trusted by
Businesses, Lead Generation Agencies & Enterprises

Say No to Data Entry → Say Yes to SmartReach.io + Zoho CRM Integration

With SmartReach.io’s Workflow Automations and deep integration with Zoho CRM, you will never do data entry to and from your CRM.

Keep your contact and Lead data in sync between SmartReach.io and Zoho CRM, two-ways and in real time. Log all your email activity in Zoho CRM seamlessly.

Import contacts from Zoho CRM

Import specific contact and Lead Views from Zoho CRM and add them to specific campaign in SmartReach.

Export Contacts or Leads to Zoho CRM

Export prospects from Specific SmartReach campaigns to Zoho Leads or Zoho Contacts.

Sync Email activity to Zoho CRM

For any email activity of your prospects in SmartReach campaigns like email sent, opened, replied, bounced etc create actions in Zoho CRM to sync this activity.

Update Lead / Contact status in Zoho

For any activity on your emails from SmartReach.io or change in prospect category, update lead/contact status in your Zoho

Consistently rated at the best by G2

4.8 out of 5 stars

Why do Customers ❤️ love SmartReach

Flytech got more meetings by using SmartReach.io

SmartReach gives us a straightforward view, along with key metrics like which prospects are clicking on different links

Dean Shapero

CEO, Flytech

Native integrations

To learn more, click here

zohocrm + smatreach.ioSmartReach.io Logo
Add Contacts in Custom views in Zoho to specific campaigns in SmartReach.io
zohocrm + smatreach.ioSmartReach.io Logo
Add Leads in Custom views in Zoho CRM to specific campaign SmartReach.io
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Add Contacts/ update Contacts in Zoho when New prospects are created or existing prospects are updated in SmartReach.io
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Add Leads/ update Leads in Zoho when New prospects are created or existing prospects are updated in SmartReach.io
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Update Emails sent from SmartReach.io campaigns
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Update Zoho lead status when new prospects email is opened
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Update Zoho lead status when new prospects email is replied
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Update Zoho lead status when email bounces/ auto responses or out of office replies for your emails sent on SmartReach.io
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Update email replies for your emails sent on SmartReach.io
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Update invalid emails of your prospects
https://d3r6z7ju6qyotm.cloudfront.net/assets/SmartreachLogo.svgzohocrm + smatreach.io
Updates Zoho lead status wheneven there is any email actvity by your prospect

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