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Know how many prospects are opening, clicking and responding to your emails to help you A/B test and understand how your subject lines or call to actions are working.
Bounce rates and unsubscribe activities will help you make corrective changes to the persona you target. High unsubscribe rate directly reflects on the quality of prospecting. High bounce rate prompts sales leaders to alter campaign strategies.
Know the best time to send to your prospects based on our reports to help you send campaigns in those times to get you better open and response rates. Your team will achieve better open and response rates when campaigns are scheduled as per this report
Managers get one glance report of their team member's email outreach campaign performance. They can quickly identify and help members with below-par performance
Sales teams get a report of the prospects that have opened, replied or clicked on links in an email in the last 7 to 14 days. Helps teams build strategies to increase sales conversion by launching more personalised campaigns for such prospects.
Together let’s build meaningful B2B relationships.
Put your sales outreach on autopilot and widen your prospect reach with sales engagement outreach