Avoid missed opportunities

Your team has worked hard to get interested prospects. With our sales-focused shared inbox, they can now collaborate, respond fast, and convert every opportunity.

shared inbox

you can

Boost productivity and collaboration

Efficiently manage multiple teams, clients, and sending emails to maximize ROI.

Have better prospect visibility

Qualified leads allocation with a single view of all incoming emails to scale up campaigns with multiple inboxes to ensure prioritization of high value deals and manage more prospects.

Fill meeting booking quota

Spot and prioritize high-value prospects most likely to book meetings and know your pipeline health with a single-view reply sentiment status. 

Experience better lead conversions

Foresee weak or unqualified opportunities considering BANT and make informed decisions to improve lead conversions.

Track prospects with transparency

Monitor prospects’ responses with real-time intervention to avoid delays or miscommunications while handing off qualified leads to account executives.

Create a faster sales cycle

Access to entire email conversations to ease sales approvals, and faster responses to sales inquiries. Timely follow-ups to stop missed deals. 

Make accurate sales forecast

With automated reply sentiment categorization you actually know your pipeline health.

Empower your sales team

Real-time monitoring to provide timely feedback, coaching, and guidance. Foster a healthy competitive culture within the team for better team performance.

your sales team can

Have flexibility to switch between team inboxes to manage more campaigns with real-time prospect feedback updates.

Scale campaigns

Sales reps can manage more email inboxes with automated workflows to move prospects through proper lead nurturing campaigns.

Increase competitiveness

Sales Reps can monitor reply sentiment performance of team members resulting in better lead conversion accountability through prospects status awareness. 

Improve communication quality

AI generated responses can help improve communication while sharing of drafts and can avoid overlap of sales personnel replying to a prospect.

Perform better  

Track lead progress for better coordination and accountability. Learning opportunities from others’ conversations and responses to create shared learning.

Frequently asked questions

Together let’s build meaningful B2B relationships

Have engaging conversations with prospects which get you more replies.